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Intermediate Green Reading and Putting Camp - Level 1

Temecula Creek Inn

Steven L. Saunders, PGA

Sat, Mar 23, 2024

11:00 – 1:00 PM (PDT)

Message Event Host
1 spot remaining


Read Greens and Putt Like a Pro!

Come join us at the beautiful Temecula Creek Golf Club for a putting camp Co-hosted by elite putting instructor Scott Curry and Temecula Creek’s Director of Instruction, Steve Saunders, PGA.

Did you know that approximately 40% of the strokes in a round of golf take place on the putting green? Putting is also typically the place where most people can shave the most strokes off their game in the shortest amount of time. If you’re not averaging 30 putts or less when you play, then it’s time to get to work!

In this class you will recieve the following:

  • Proper setup
  • Aiming techniques and how to aim more accurately
  • Putting stroke mechanics and styles
  • Techniques for improving distance control and drills
  • Green Reading Strategies and Learning How to Read Greens

More Details:

This class is "Level 1" of the two part putting camp taking place on the same day. The "Level 1" camp will take place from 11:00AM to 1:00PM. There will be a one hour break for lunch and then the "Level 2" advanced class will begin and take place from 2:00PM-4:00PM.

  • You are welcome to choose either of the two classes to attend, or you can attend both!
  • Classes are different prices and billed separately, but there is a bundle discount if you sign up for both classes.
  • Level 1: $125
  • Level 2: $225
  • Class Bundle: $300
  • If you wish to attend both classes please be sure to register for both classes to ensure you are on both rosters! We look forward to seeing you and helping you become a great putter!

Price details

$125.00 x 0 participants





Due today
Pay at location, state and local taxes may apply